Monday, May 12, 2008

A New York Minute - shorter than you think

So, I have two jobs. WHICH, wouldn’t be such a bad thing, except for I’m trying to have a social life as well. Unfortunately, working two jobs and going out leaves little room for sleep so I get about six hours per night during the regular work week. This is not at all interesting except for the fact that it has made me an insanely delirious person, though, I have yet to actually surpass the boundaries of my physical body. I suppose a heart attack or panic attack, or any attack for that matter may be the only way to tell if I am actually harming myself. To add insult to injury, I decided it would be a fantastic idea to stop eating solid foods for two days (well, it was supposed to be three, but I made it to what we’re calling two days) and try something called “juicing.” Juicing is really just giving your liver a break for a couple of days. (Although, my thought is if they added a little alcohol to the juice it might actually be a bit more enjoyable…). Instead, its things like kelp, spinach, almonds, parsley… truly nast-tastic. My point is, well, I don’t really have one. But, I will say that testing your body’s limits is a pretty unique process. Whether it be how long one can run until passing out, how many cookies one can I eat, or even how many jobs one can I acquire – the answer is always the same… It catches up with you in the end. So, I guess trying to balance life and work will always truly be a unique struggle, but for now I am trying my best while trying to stay healthy/beautiful/skinny/young.

And, in this city, I need all the help I can get.

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